How do you find your Purpose? A review of Disney’s Soul and finding your Spark

I love stories. I love anything that creates a story – books being my first love, then films, then television programmes. Now there are subscription boxes to hundreds of films and tv shows, there are new books published every day, and the world of stories seems to grow every moment. … More How do you find your Purpose? A review of Disney’s Soul and finding your Spark

Life, Work, and Finding your Purpose…

I’m lucky enough to be working, and not only is it close to home (especially since I’ve moved closer to the area), it’s also a good job with enough money coming in each month for me to save a little for my own place (here’s me staring at the far flung future).

But, my job is also a contract, and that means that I’m on the hunt for a new one.

There are a lot of stressful situations in life, but generally, most of us get on with them and deal. For some reason, this year I’ve given myself two ‘Goals’ that crop up as a decent enough stressor for anyone – moving house and getting a new job.

For those dealing with anxiety over any uncertain situation, you’ll probably understand that I’m a little unsettled at the moment. Forget the anxieties of wondering if all your skills you’ve built up over the years match up to the job spec, one of the main worries is whether you’ll get the right job for you. … More Life, Work, and Finding your Purpose…