Poem of the Week: Ocean Peace

I moved down to Devon a year ago now. I live by a pebble beach in the south east of the County, and come the summer months I’ve found settling myself down on the beach after a walk is the most beautiful thing. It’s so peaceful listening to the waves hush and shimmer under the sun. That, combined with an ice cream (dairy-free of course) is just perfect.

There are things I miss. For one, I’ve not made friends down this way as yet, because of the lockdown. Despite the joys of zoom and facebook messenger, which has meant I’ve kept in touch with my friends back in Surrey, I still miss them. I miss a lot of things and one of those things is forests. I love the dappled sunlight through the trees, long walks with friends along make-shift paths, the smell of the foliage around me – especially in the summer and after rain. 

But the beach is still a joy. The sounds of it are beautiful, and if you lay back and listen to the waves, it soothes and calms. I’ve taken so many pictures of the beach here in town, but I know they don’t do it justice.

So today’s poem, which I’m posting as my weekly poem, is all about sitting and listening to the sea, watching the world about me, and finding peace. I don’t know if I’ve done it justice, but it’s a start at least to my beach poetry.

Ocean Peace

The light dapples on the water
And I wonder at the waves
The sky glints under sunlight
The birds fly across in swathes

The rumble of water on pebbles
Hissing as it leaves the shores
The soft hush of the ocean
As back and forth it softly roars

I lay back against the marbled stones
And stare up at a brilliant sky
Cloudless, endless, a quiet blue
And I watch the birds on high

This day is filled with peaceful dreams
Of a soft and lulling vibe
Warmth infuses into skin
This place is difficult to describe

For how can you breathe a glorious day
How can you speak of the hovering wind
It courses through your skin unbidden
For the sunlight here surely sings

I dream and delve into the blue
I breathe deep the ocean song
Peace delights upon the senses
And I have found a place to belong.

Kate @ Kandid Chronicles

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